The Lexington Fertility Center

Egg Freezing

Egg freezing can give you the power to have a baby when you feel ready

The Lexington Fertility Center believes that people should have the freedom to decide when they want to start a family. Egg freezing is one fertility treatment that gives patients more flexibility when it comes to family planning. By pursuing this form of fertility preservation at our Lexington fertility clinic, you can make plans for the future to have a baby on your timeline.

How does egg freezing work?

This type of fertility preservation involves several steps to freeze eggs for future use. Once a patient decides to pursue this option, our Lexington fertility clinic team guides them through each step of this advanced and effective process.

  • The patient takes injectable fertility medications to safely stimulate the growth and development of as many eggs as possible.
  • While taking the injectable medications for egg freezing, our team will perform regular monitoring. The goal is to ensure that the patient is receiving the correct dosage.
  • When the eggs reach maturity, Dr. George Veloudis will perform an outpatient egg retrieval procedure.
  • Under the direction of Dr. Cristina Bastias, our laboratory team will prepare the eggs for fertility preservation, and then freeze them.

Most patients choose to store their frozen eggs for five to 10 years. However, research has shown that healthy babies can be born from eggs frozen for even longer.

Who should consider this type of fertility preservation?

Anyone with ovaries who wants to postpone parenthood can consider egg freezing. Our Lexington fertility clinic finds that patients in the following situations can benefit from freezing their eggs.

  • Taking time to focus on educational and career goals.
  • Looking for the right partner to have children with.
  • Facing a diagnosis of cancer or another condition that could damage fertility.
  • Preparing for military deployment.

It’s important to remember that female fertility does decrease with age. As a result, this option is often best for patients in their 20s or early 30s. That being said, each patient is different. Dr. Veloudis will order fertility testing to learn about your reproductive potential and help you decide if this treatment is right for you.

If you want to take control of your fertility, contact us to learn more about the option to freeze your eggs at our clinic. We’ll support you through every step of the egg freezing process.